Sermons from Crich Baptist Church
For these audio sermons from Crich Baptist Church, most of the preaching is done, as you would expect by our Pastor, Chris Hand. We will occasionally have visiting preachers, and most of their sermons will also be recorded. There are quite a few special meetings, with topical subjects, and a variety of leading figures in Church History have been the subject of our yearly Historical Lectures by our welcome guest, Dr. Nick Needham, of the Reformed Baptist Church, Inverness, Scotland.
If you wish to comment on any of these free audio sermons, which are all MP3 sermons, or having watched a sermon video you just want to let us know that you listened in, then you can do so by sending us a message through the Crich Baptist Church Contact Us page. We would love to hear from you. All the sermons we provide are free audio sermons, and are hosted by . The audio sermons database contains several hundred sermons, and a growing number of video sermons. It is a searchable database, which can be searched by Speaker, Scripture Reference, Date, Series and Event. Please allow time for the database to load. We trust that what you listened to, and maybe watched as well, will indeed be helpful, and a blessing to you.