Crich Baptist Church is pleased to have contact with, and to recommend, a number of Christian organisations here in the UK. Some of these are mainly focussed on overseas mission, while others are providing vital help to UK churches, young people, as well as individual Christians. Like the readers of this page, it would be impossible to be aware of, or to provide support for all the good Christian organisations out there, but we value the work done by those we have listed, all of whom play a vital role here in the United Kingdom.
The Christian Institute, Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K. :
Colin Hart, the Christian Institute’s Director, writes –
“The Christian Institute exists for “the furtherance and promotion of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom” and “the advancement of education”.
The Christian Institute is a nondenominational Christian charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible. We are supported by individuals and churches throughout the UK.
We believe that the Bible is the supreme authority for all of life and we hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. We are committed to upholding the sanctity of life from conception”.
Through strategic briefings on many moral and ethical issues, the Christian Institute, after very careful research, is able to brief individuals and churches such as ours, on significant matters that affect our individual and national life. They campaign, and seek to influence our legislators on subjects such as, Marriage and the Family, Child Protection, Pro-Life Issues, Drugs, Religious Liberties, Education, Christianity and the Constitution. The Christian Institute was set up in 1990, by church leaders and Christian professionals, concerned about the lack of a Christian voice that was able to provide an informed response to major ethical debates. Website:
Creation Ministries International
We have had Creation Ministries International speakers at Crich Baptist Church on a number of occasions, and have found that the way they explain the issues surrounding the creation/evolution debate to be really helpful. From the complexity of our human make-up through to dealing with the Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark, each speaker always addressed his subject from the authority of Scripture itself. We are pleased to commend this UK arm of a world-wide organisation.
The role of Creation Ministries International, as they themselves define it –
“is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis.
We are apolitical and non-denominational (as an organisation, not as individuals within it). We try to confine ourselves to matters as defined broadly by our Statement of Faith, and try to not get involved as a ministry in other controversies or issues within Christendom, no matter how important we, as individuals, might regard these.”
To find out more about the work of Creation Ministries International, and learn what resources they have available, check out their website at:
European Mission Fellowship (EMF), Welwyn, Hertfordshire, U.K. :
The continent of Europe comprises about 13% of the world’s population-towards eight hundred million people living in over forty countries. All of these countries know something of religion, be it Orthodox, Roman Catholic or Protestant, but many know very little of evangelical truth.
The over-riding aim of EMF is to establish Biblical Christianity throughout Europe. This embraces the work of evangelism, church planting and supporting gospel churches, at the same time encouraging them to become self-governing and self-supporting. To learn more about the work of European Missionary Fellowship visit their website at:
Grace Baptist Mission, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. :
GBM exists to help churches support their missionaries around the world. Beginning just over 150 years ago, it was then called The Strict Baptist Mission, working first in India and then increasingly across the world. It is thrilling how the work has grown, and by the grace of God, GBM now helps provide support in Austria, Brazil, Columbia, France, India, Kenya, Latvia, Peru, Philippines, Poland and Spain.
Crich Baptist Church acted as the sending church for David & Liz Anderson who had been working in Elderet, a town in the western Kenya, for several years, having gone out there under the auspices of GBM. They are now back in the UK, and are seeking God’s guidance as to a future area of ministry.
We also take a prayerful interest in the work of others in the Philippines, namely, Gilbert McAdam, Naomi Gonzalez (formerly Naomi Clarke), and Matthew Gamston, to all of whom GBM has, and does provide support.
GBM also takes an active part in encouraging pastors in India, such as Pastor P. Rajkumar, of the Vuyiroli Home in Chennai (see our specific Vuyiroli page for more information). GBM will send Ministry teams from time-to-time, who will seek to provide theological training for Indian pastors.
GBM’s website:
Lovewise, Jesmond, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne:
Lovewise is another of those Christian organisations we are encouraged to support. They are a charity which seeks to help schools and youth groups by providing presentations on the subjects of marriage, sex and relationships from a Christian perspective.
Lovewise was started on Tyneside in 2002 by two paediatric doctors and a head teacher of a local secondary school. Together they were becoming increasingly concerned by the number of young people in their clinics and school suffering from the consequences of sex outside marriage and the disintegration of home life.
Seeing the need of young people for a moral framework in which to enjoy relationships and wanting to warn young people to avoid the important medical consequences of sex outside marriage, they developed presentations that encourage them to consider the God-given design of marriage and the rightness and benefits of keeping sex for marriage.
Lovewise resources are presented by volunteer presenters and volunteer teams in schools and youth groups in different parts of the country. Website:
Soldiers and Airmen Scripture Readers Association (SASRA), Aldershot, Hants.:
SASRA’s MINISTRY : Their Ministry is one of personal evangelism. Uniquely they are permitted, subject to Chaplain’s recommendation and Commanding Officers’ permission to visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation, work and recreation areas. This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.
SASRA’s ASR’S : All Scripture Readers have served in one or other of the Armed Services. They are all committed Christians and gifted evangelists. They have undergone a period of training and assessment before being deployed to a station with the agreement of the Ministry of Defence.
THE ORGANISATION : The Association works by Grace, the Grace of God and the Grace of the Army and RAF Authorities who give permission for Scripture Readers to visit MoD Establishments.
The Association is governed by a Council of serving and retired officers of the two services and Representatives of the Chaplain General and the Chaplain in Chief RAF. Under God they give direction to the ministry of the Association. Learn more about SASRA by visiting their website:
The Trinitarian Bible Society, London:
Since 1831 the Trinitarian Bible Society has been engaged in the publication and distribution of faithful and trustworthy versions of the Holy Scriptures in many languages throughout the world. The Society desires to ensure that believers everywhere have reliable Bibles. Ministers, missionaries and Christian workers in more than 100 countries look to the Society for regular supplies of complete Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, Scripture Booklets, Leaflets, and Text Cards. Many of the Scriptures supplied are offered, in cases of need, free of charge or at prices well below the cost of production.
As most friends will know, the TBS as it is often referred to, is zealous in the belief that the most trustworthy translation is that known by some as the A.V. (Authorised Version), or by others as the King James version. Website: