As most of our visitors will know, many of the sermons given at Crich Baptist Church are uploaded to, a sermons hosting site in the USA. From there they are broadcast around the world. We are humbled to realise that the Lord has, through the wonderful opportunity provided by our friends at, allowed our small church, in Derbyshire, to have a world-wide ministry. I often think that those who first came together to constitute Crich Baptist Church in 1839, would have been truly amazed at such a possibility. Our sermons can also be accessed by going to our Online Sermons page on this website.
In this month just past, March 2014, our global listening audience came from 71 countries.
Predictably most of those who either streamed or downloaded the sermons from Crich, came from the USA. The listening statistics for this great nation showed that we were heard in 49 States, of which 195 downloads were registered in California.
Outside the USA, it was surprising to see that the 255 downloads in the United Kingdom, came second to …… a certain nation not considered friendly to the gospel, and where many Christians are persecuted (259), with Canada third on 144.
The audio sermons are provided as MP3 files, and for the month of March, across all nations, our listening audience downloaded 2,714 sermons, children’s talks, or the occasional narrated reading of sermons by such saints of the past, as C. H. Spurgeon, and Bishop J. C. Ryle.
It isn’t always so, but in March 2014 the most listened to address was a narration by one of our members of ‘Sermons – Their Matter’, this being lecture number 5, taken from ‘Lectures to My Students’ by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
We just pray that the Lord may be glorified through our audio sermons ministry, and that in His sovereign purposes, our great God may use our labours to bring gospel light to someone, somewhere, and although we may never hear of it this side of Heaven, souls may be saved as they hear of Christ, from our lips. May it also be that believers are edified and built up in the faith.