As this section is developed we want to add things that will be really useful. Initially we have planned to provide the following:
Information about local Bed and Breakfast establishments in the Crich area:
Hopefully the ones we have listed will be of interest those people who are planning to holiday in this part of the world, and are looking for a place to stay that is near to a suitable church. If you are in this category, we trust that you will think of paying us a visit.
A Church Directory:
one that lists details about churches that hold similar convictions to ourselves. Admittedly, it is unlikely that all the churches shown in the Church Directory we have chosen will hold to the same interpretation of every biblical doctrine, but in choosing the Evangelical Times Church Directory, we believe that it covers most if not all counties, as well as including details of all parts of the United Kingdom. It even gives information about churches in other parts of the world. We commend this Directory to you.
Links to other recommended sites
It would be impossible to show on one small website page the links to every good organisation, so there are a few that we especially commend to you for your interest. Others, may of course be added as we go along.
A smaller, but more practical Church Library section
In having re-built our website it has been decided to dispense with an expansive Church Library set of pages. To have provided what would have been the ideal online Library section would have been extremely time-consuming to provide, and there are so many topics of potential interest that it has been thought much more practical to be a little more selective. So instead of trying to cover every conceivable doctrine, aspect of the Christian life, or Church Life and order (there are other directories out there that try to provide these things), we will gradually provide full articles hosted on our own site, or links to Christian books and articles on other sites. We hope that you will find these useful.
There are other resources that we may look to add as we proceed, but we encourage you to click on the drop-down menu of our Resources tab, to see if anything of what we have offered will be of use to you.