J C Ryle Quotes and Wise Words.
Here are some J C Ryle quotes. John Charles Ryle was born in Macclesfield, Cheshire, in 1816. He served as Rector in a number of parishes, the longest period of time being in Helmingham, and then Stradbroke, both in the county of Suffolk, before he went on to become the first Anglican Bishop of Liverpool in 1880. He was a prolific writer, a very effective and much respected preacher, and has been described as a “man of granite, with the heart of a child.” Much use has been made of J C Ryle quotes from his sermons and written work, and we also offer some of these, which we hope will be of interest. We hope to add more from time-to-time. Just as a matter of further interest, J. C. Ryle preached at the Anglican church in Crich in 1861, at a time when he was Rector at Helmingham, Suffolk.
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Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, “What are you doing?”
……………Let me observe, in the next place, that when I talk of simplicity in preaching, I would not have my readers suppose I mean childish preaching. If we suppose the poor like that sort of sermon, we are greatly mistaken. If our hearers once imagine we consider them a parcel of ignorant folks for whom any kind of “infant’s food” is good enough, our chance of doing good is lost altogether. People do not like even the appearance of ‘condescending preaching’. They feel we are not treating them as equals, but inferiors. Human nature always dislikes that. They will at once put up their backs, stop their ears, and take offence—and then we might as well preach to the winds.”
Look round the congregation with which you worship every Sunday. Mark how little interest the great majority of them take in what is going on. Observe how listless, and apathetic, and indifferent, they evidently are about the whole affair. It is clear their hearts are not there! They are thinking of something else, and not of religion. They are thinking of business, or money, or pleasure, or worldly plans, or bonnets, or gowns, or new dresses, or amusements. Their bodies are there, but not their hearts. And what is the reason? What is it they all need? They need conversion. Without it they only come to church for fashion and form’s sake, and go away from church to serve the world or their sins.”