A Brief Summary of Sermon “Unnatural Affections” preached Jan 10th 2010
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The sad consequences of the ‘Fall’ are all too evident as we consider verse 22 of Leviticus 18. We cannot however ignore the Word of God, and here we are reminded that God describes homosexuality as an abomination.What then is our response as evangelical Christians to those whom we may know within the so-called ‘Gay’ community? Is it judgemental, or one of seeking to help, with sympathy, kindness and compassion?
What does the homosexual community think when they hear the name ‘evangelical Christian’? The average ‘Gay’ will likely say, “they hate us don’t they.” Sadly some behaviour re-inforces that view. As an example, the behaviour of one particular Baptist family in the USA is no help to the cause of Christ.
Whoever we are, we are made “in the image of God.” Whatever distinctions, we, or homosexuals make on the grounds of sexuality, we are together in need of Christ’s blood, and are all in need of forgiveness!
We too have concerns about the way in which we are regarded by the homosexual community. Not all Christians are consumed with anger. Can it not be allowed that we are able to disagree with their sexual acts; can it not be allowed that we accord marriage between one man and one woman its special place, and as conscience affirms as the best and right way?
There is also a fair degree of a phobic response, and misrepresentation by the homosexual community. For our part we are not at liberty to change God’s word, and the biblical view on this subject.
May we then be able to “speak the truth” in love, and call men and women to repentance and faith, reminding them of Christ’s own words, “Go and sin no more.” John 8:11